Friday, May 31, 2013

What you need to know about equine joint supplements and what active ingredients you should look for in such products.

In today's article I would like to share with you some useful information about equine joint supplements. The fact is that there are a lot of different types of horse supplements out there in the market... Some of them are great, some of them are not-so-great, but one thing is clear - we can choose from hundreds if not thousands of different types of products and this massive choice leaves a lot of inexperienced horse riders confused.

In today's article I don't want to spend too much time talking about a wide range of horse supplements. Instead, I want to focus on equine joint supplements and give you some useful tips and advice about how to make sure that you end up buy a high quality joint supplement for your horse.

If you will start analyzing labels of popular equine joint supplements, you will notice that quite a lot of of them have a wide range of exotic sounding ingredients: some contain Yucca, Rosehip and etc. The fact is that quite a lot of supplement companies like to load up their supplements with filler active ingredients. If you will analyse the labels of popular joint supplements, you will notice that the companies that make premium products and cheaper alternatives use exactly the same foundational ingredients: glucosamine HCL and MSM. These are the ingredients that you need to look for if you want to make sure that your horse's joints are healthy and strong.

To learn more about equine joint supplements visit

Friday, May 24, 2013

What Horse Supplements You Should Buy For Your Horse

If you like reading popular horse riding magazines or visiting popular equestrian websites, you have probably noticed how many different ads there are promoting different types of horse supplements. It looks like every single month a new horse supplement is launched and the fact is that nowadays you can choose from hundreds, if not thousands of different kinds of horse supplements: from feed balancers and joint supplements, to calmers and garlic supplements.
In this article I would like to share with you a list of two proven and tested horse supplements that I believe every horse owner should own.

Equine feed balancers

When it comes to horse supplements, feed balancers are probably the only ones that are proven and tested by time and experiences of thousands of horse riders worldwide. Now, I know that this is probably going to sound confusing, but the fact is that feed balancers don't really balance anything.
The fact is that grazing conditions are not perfect all year round and during certain periods of the year our horses do not get as many different vitamins, nutrients and minerals as their bodies need to stay in top shape. Nutrient defiency can cause a wide range of problems ranging from poor skin and coat condition to hoof problems or even laminitis! In short, you have got to make sure that your horse does not suffer from nutrient deficiency
This is where feed balancers come into play. Feed balancers are packed with all of the essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals that your horse needs to look and feel great.

Equine joint supplements

If you have been riding horses for some time already, you have probably noticed how common joint problems are amongst horses and it does not matter whether the horse is involved in competitive horse riding disciplines such as dressage or eventing or if he is ridden merely for recreational reasons. The fact is that constant pounding and twisting of your horse's joints leave them vulnerable to an injury and as a horse owner you want to do whatever you possibly can to minimise the risk of joint disease.
This is where joint supplements for horses come into play. Joint supplements for horses are packed with active ingredients such as glucosamine, MSM, yucca. Most of the active ingredients found in joint supplements for horses are proven to strengthen and support horse's joints: they aid in renewal of cartilage, they aid in renewal of synovial fluid and they provide the joint with all of the essential building blocks that are needed for recovery and repair.
A lot of inexperienced horse riders think that they need to spend thousands every single year on lots of different kinds of horse supplements, but that is not the case. If you are not involved in competitive horse riding disciplines, if you don't compete in a professional level then the chances are pretty high that a all your horse needs to be healthy and strong is a high quality feed balancer and a good joint supplement.

For more information about different kinds of horse supplements visit

Friday, May 10, 2013

What Feed Companies Don't Want YOU to Know About Horse Supplements

In this short article I would like to share with you some insights and tell you what companies making and selling horse supplements don't want you to know about their products. The fact is that there are hundreds, if not thousands of different kinds of horse products and supplements:

  • Feed balancers
  • Garlic supplements
  • Calmers
  • Pre and probiotics
  • Hoof supplements
  • Hoof oil
  • Coatshine supplements
The fact is that there are a lot of different product categories and each category has hundreds if not thousands of different products to choose from. This massive choice of horse products and supplements leaves a lot of people that are new to horse riding confused. People simply don't know which products are good and which ones are bad and they end up buying as much as they possibly can to make sure that their horses don't miss anything out.

The fact is that your horse doesn't need a lot of different horse products and supplements. Even if you are involved in competitive horse riding disciplines such as dressage or eventing, the chances are really high that you don't compete on a professional level and your horse doesn't really needs dozens of different obscure supplements.

There are only two supplements that your horse really needs and to learn more about them check out my article on Weebly: