Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Basics of Equine Nutrition

In this article I would like to talk with you about the basics of horse care. In the past I have written quite a lot about equine nutrition and supplements, but I think that from time to time it also useful to focus on other topics such as how to properly look after your horse.
Now, if you have been riding horses for decades then the chances are pretty high that in this article you won't learn anything that you don't already know, but if you are planning to get a horse sometime in the nearby future or if you have been riding for only a couple of years then you will find some golden nuggets of information in this article.
First of all, the single most important thing when it comes to looking after your horse is to make sure that you feed your horse the right stuff. If you are not planning to get involved in competitive horse riding disciplines and if your horse's workload will be relatively load then you should keep your horse's diet relatively simple: it should consist of mostly hay and pasture grass and possibly a small amount of pelleted feeds, grains, or sweet feeds only if they are needed.
I have mentioned that you should only feed a small amount of pelleted feeds, yet I do think that feed balancers play a critical role in horse's diet. You see, during certain periods of the year, such as Autumn or Winter our horse's can't get access to fresh hay or grass, simply because grazing conditions during cold and wet months are not great and our horses do not get as many different nutrients as their bodies need.

Friday, December 13, 2013

How To Evaluate Equine Supplement Brands

The fact is that nowadays there are hundreds if not thousands of different companies making and selling equine supplements. Do a simple search on Google or Amazon for a term such as horse supplements and instantly you will get thousands of results.

You will discover that some companies are offering their products at really low prices and you will also learn that there are companies making and selling products for two to three times the industry norms. Why is that? Why do some companies charge more for their products their others? Does it mean that those products are better?

These are just some of the questions that we are going to answer today. Today I would like to share with you some useful information about equine supplements. More specifically I would like to share with you some useful information about how to evaluate equine supplements brands.

When it comes to equine supplements the choice is massive and this massive choice can cause great confusion. How do you know which products are good and which ones are bad?

The answer is that you go for products that are developed by a company that has a strong brand and good brand reputation. At the first glance it appears that the our market, niche of horse riders, is massive and there are millions of us all over the world, but the fact is that we are still tiny community compared to other markets and when a particular supplement works or does not work members of our community get to know really fast, therefore producing and selling products that actually work and help achieved the benefits that are promised is really important. This brings me to the most important point that I wanted to make and that is that you want to look for companies that make products that are proven and tested by time and experiences of millions of horse riders worldwide.

Friday, December 6, 2013

How To Keep Your Horse's Joints Healthy Throughout The Winter

In this article I would like to share with you some useful information about how to keep your horse's joints healthy throughout the winter. If you have been a member of the equestrian community for some time now you have probably noticed that once the weather gets colder and weather conditions worsen quite a lot of horses tend to lose condition and topline. A lot of people become obsessed about maintaining their horses condition and this is why so many horse riders focus on supplements such as feed balancers throughout the winter.

While it is important to focus on maintain your horse's topline and condition, it is also important not to neglect your horse's joint health. You see, if you have been a member of the equestrian community for some time now you have probably noticed that quite a lot of horses, if not most of the horses, tend to develop joint problems at some stage in their lives and as a horse owner you want to do whatever you possibly can to minimize the risk of joint disease.

The reason why I have decided to write this article up is because in the winter the hard ground puts your horse's joints under even more strain which means that the possibility of injuring your horse's joints increases by a lot.

So how do you keep your horse's joints healthy throughout the winter?

Start supplementing your horse's diet with a high quality joint supplement. High quality joint supplements are packed with all of the essential active ingredients that are need to strengthen and support your horse's joints.

In addition to supplementing your horse's diet with a high quality joint supplement you should also look into feed balancers that have elevated levels of glucosamine which will aid your horse's even further. To learn more about this have a look at my latest article on EzineArticles.com titled Two Reasons Why You Should Use an Equine Feed Balancer in The Winter