I have been riding horses for almost three years now and over the last three years I have learned a lot of things I wish I knew when I was just getting started. When it comes to horse supplements a lot of people who have very little experience with horses think that the best way to ensure that your horse gets everything that he needs to spend thousands on equine supplements and buy as many different types of products as you possibly can.
When I talk to newbies in my livery I am shocked when I discover that they supplement their horses diets with dozens of different products all at the same time. When I ask about what products to they give to their horses, they start talking about digestive aids, coatshine supplements, garlic supplements, mud fever creams and etc. Now, I'm not saying that these products are bad. Not at all, but what I am trying to say is that if you are not involved in competitive horse riding disciplines, if your horse's workload is not extremely high and if in general your horse does not suffer from serious health conditions then perhaps the only supplement your horse needs at the moment is a high quality feed balancer.
I know that this does not sound sexy or groundbreaking, but horses survived just fine for thousands of years without any kinds of supplements and I personally think that nobody who is not involved in professional equestrian sport should spend thousands on horse supplements every single year.
Some people will disagree and I'm perfectly cool with that.
End of rant.
If you want to learn more about different types of horse feeds visit bluechipfeed.com
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