Friday, February 15, 2013

What you need to know about equine feed balancers and how they can help your horse.

In this article I would like to talk with you, what in my opinion is, the best horse supplement that you can buy today. You have probably noticed that there are hundreds if not thousands of different types of horse products and supplements: garlic supplements, digestive aids, coatshine supplements, joint supplements, calmers, hoof supplements and plenty of other little known horse products.

This massive choice leaves a lot of inexperienced horse riders confused. People who lack experience simply don't know which products are good and which products are bad, so they end up spending thousands every single year on supplements that their horses don't really need.

Look, if you are not involved in competitive horse riding disciplines and if your horse's workload is relatively low then the chances are pretty high that the only type of supplement that your horse needs is a high quality equine feed balancers. Now, that's assuming that your horse is perfectly healthy. If you know that your horse is having joint problems, then perhaps it would smart to also add some good joint supplement on top, but the point I am trying to make is that equine feed balancers contain all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our horses need.

They are just like multi-vitamin supplements for humans in a way that they are packed with everything: from minerals such as iron and copper, to pre and probiotics, to oils such as linseed or salmon oil. Essential feed balancers contain everything that your horse needs to be healthy and strong.

Equine feed balancers will:

  • Improve your horse's digestive system.
  • Improve the quality of your horse's skin.
  • Improve the quality of your horse's coat.
  • Improve the quality of your horse's hooves.
  • Strengthen your horse's immune system.
  • Improve oxygen transportation into the working muscles.
To learn more about horse feed balancers click here.

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