Friday, September 13, 2013

What Supplements To Give Your Horse in The Winer

Cold and windy winter is just around the corner and I thought that I would be a good idea to share some information about what supplements you should be feeding your horse in the winter. The fact is that quite a lot of horses tend to lose their condition in the winter and the primary reason why this occurs is because of poor grazing conditions.

In the winter horses don't have a chance to access fresh grass. Now, at this point you might say that there are plenty of alternatives available such as haylage, barley, oats, maize or bran, but the thing is that fresh grass plays a unique role in equine nutrition. You see, nowadays there are plenty of horse feeds available, but if we were to look at equine nutrition from a broader historical perspective, we would soon learn that horses in prehistoric times didn't have access to the horse feeds that we use today. They relied on grass. Fresh grass. Once horses don't get access to fresh grass their condition, topline and overall health and wellbeing gets worse.

To make sure that your horse looks and feel great throughout the winter, you should invest in a high quality feed balancer. While there are hundreds of different types of horse supplements available today, I personally think that equine feed balancers are the only ones that are proven and tested by time. They have been around for decades and they are packed with all of the essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients that your horse needs to look and feel great.

If you want to learn more about different types of equine supplements visit

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