Friday, October 25, 2013

The Only Equine Supplements That Your Horse Would Ever Need

Do a simple search on Google or Amazon for a term like "horse supplements" and in a matter of seconds you will learn that there are hundreds of thousands of articles, videos, forum posts and blogs about equine supplements and there are also hundreds of different types of horse supplements that you can buy today.

From one point you this is great, because we never had so many different products to choose from, yet from another point of view this massive choice leaves a lot of inexperienced horse riders confused, quite simply it is hard to distinguish the good stuff from the bad stuff. I've spent the last two years working in the equine supplements industry and I have learned a thing or two about equine supplements that less informed horse riders would benefit from and in this article I would like to share with you a list of, what in my opinion are, the only equine supplements that your horse would ever need.

First of all let's start from calmers. In my opinion calmers are great for those of you that are involved in competitive horse riding disciplines such as dressage, eventing, show jumping. You see, competing requires you and your horse to travel to a lot of new places, seeing hundreds of new places and being constantly on the road and this can cause a lot of stress to your horse. I can tell you that stress can have a serious impact on performance and if you want to avoid this then you should start supplementing your horse's diet with a high quality equine calmer.

In addition to horse calmers, you should also look into joint supplements. There are hundreds of different types of horse supplements in the market today. Some are less expensive, some are more expensive, some use basic active ingredients, some use more exotic active ingredients, but at the end of the day I want you to know that it is really important to supplement your horse's diet with a high quality joint supplement. Why? Because joint injuries are very common and it does not matter whether you take your horse for occasional hack or if you actively compete. You want to do whatever you possibly can to strengthen and support your horse's joints.

Finally, you want to invest into a high quality feed balancer. Feed balancers are just like multi-vitamin supplements for humans in a way that they are packed with all of the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your horse needs to look and feel great.

For more in-depth information about equine feed balancers, you might want to have a look at my latest article on my Weebly blog titled What To Look For in a Premium Horse Feed Balancer.

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