Thursday, April 10, 2014

How To Keep Your Dog Fit

In the past I have written quite a lot about horses, equine nutrition and horse supplements. In today's article I would like to focus on something different. Specifically I would like to focus on our smaller four legged friends - dogs and talk about what you can do to keep your dog fit.

I recently have received an email from one of the blog readers asking me for advice on how to tackle dog obesity and this is the primary reason why I have decided to write this article up. Obesity isn't just something that affect us, humans, it also affects our four legged friends. Obesity among dogs is an ever growing problem and if you have got a dog or if you are planning to get one sometime in the nearby future then you need to do whatever you possibly can to keep your dog fit and prevent weight gain. Diabetes, heart disease, respiratory distress and high blood pressure are just some of the conditions that can develop as a result of obesity and not only they are costly to treat, but, if left unchecked, they can also be life threatening.

If you want to keep your dog fit and if you want to make sure that your dog does not gain excess weight then you have got to prevent excessive caloric intake. Dog food, treats, supplements, human food - everything that our dogs eat contain caloric.

Once once our dogs consume more calories than their bodies actually need their bodies start storing the excess energy, which comes from calories, in a form of fat.

Now, when it comes to humans it is relatively easy to figure out our daily caloric needs. This isn't as simple to do with our dogs, simply because there are so many different dog breeds and there is no standard formula that can be used to calculate the daily caloric needs of our dogs.

While from one point of view this might look like a problem, because there are no clear dietary guidelines for dogs to follow, this does not mean that you cannot keep your dog fit. You see, when it comes to keeping your dog fit you want to keep things basic.

If you see that your dog suddenly starts gaining weight then this means that your dog is either consuming way to many calories or he is simply not moving enought. Keep your dog fit does not have to be complicated. Weight loss both for dogs and humans is all about energy balance: you want to make sure that throughout the day you burn more calories than you consume.
I know that this does not groundbreaking, but that's the truth.

In addition to keeping track of your dogs diet and your dog's activity levels, you should consider supplementing your dog's diet with a fat loss supplement that is specifically formualted for canine use.

Finally, if you are an active person and if you are doing a lot of physical exercise outside then you should dog with you. There are special harnesses designed for dogs so they would be able to run with and this is a great way to keep both yourself and your dog fit.
The fact is that obesity isn't the only common dog health problem. Dog can develop a wide range of health problems that can range from mobility problems all the way to itchy skin. For more information about dog health and what supplements you can use to tackle various dog health problems visit

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